Below is an excerpt from “Keep Track of Your Stuff with the Tile App” which originally appeared on PureWow. Read the full story at
Bag? Check. Wallet? Check. Keys…uh, keys? And just like that, you’re late.
Never lose them again with Tile, a tiny new tech product born out of a massive Kickstarter campaign.
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Here’s how it works: Attach the little white square (it’s about the size of a Wheat Thin) to almost anything, and download the corresponding app to your phone. The device is Bluetooth enabled, so the signal, which reaches about 100 feet, syncs up with said app to pinpoint the exact location of your misplaced item.
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So the next time you’re on your way out the door, just open the app, look for the green circle that pinpoints your lost keys and start walking until you get closer…closer…closer…and bingo. They’re in the refrigerator.
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