Disney’s live action remake of Beauty and the Beast hasn’t started filming yet, but it already appears that the cast are on the fast track toward becoming BFFs. Following this week’s announcement that Luke Evans will play Gaston in the movie and Dan Stevens will play Beast, Belle herself, aka Emma Watson, took to Twitter to congratulate her new costars.
RELATED: Emma Watson’s Belle Finds Her Beast in a Downton Alum
On Wednesday, Stevens tweeted a captionless photo that says, “Beast Mode” in reference to his new role:
Watson was quick to reply, saying how happy she was to have the actor on as Beast in the movie:
Already getting into character, Stevens playfully replied “Grrrrrr:”
Watson also tweeted a sweet message to Evans, along with a photo of him:
Showing that he’s not nearly as villainous as his onscreen character, Evans sent out a quick tweet to thank Watson:
It’s safe to say that we’re more than a little excited to see Watson, Evans, and Stevens together on the screen for Beauty and the Beast.
RELATED: Emma Watson Confirms That She Will Play Belle in Disney’s Live-Action Beauty and the Beast